Η Google αποδέχτηκε με σημαντική καθυστέρηση ένα σοβαρό πρόβλημα του Chrome browser το οποίο επηρεάζει υπολογιστές με Windows από το 2010 και θα το αντιμετωπίσει με επόμενη αναβάθμιση.

Το εν λόγω bug δεν επιτρέπει στον Chrome να "πέσει" σε κατάσταση idle όταν δεν χρησιμοποιείται με αποτέλεσμα να καταναλώνει σημαντικό ποσοστό της μπαταρίας, επηρεάζοντας την αυτονομία φορητών και tablets με λειτουργικό Windows, και η τοποθέτηση του στην κορυφή της to-do--list του Chrome δίνει ελπίδες για σύντομη επίλυση.

The problem is down to something called the “system clock tick rate”. This is something that Windows uses internally that you won’t hear about unless you go looking. What Chrome does, as soon as it is opened, is set the rate to 1.000ms. The idle, under Windows, should be 15.625ms. The numbers are a bit confusing, but it’s what’s happening that matters here rather than the figures themselves.

What is a clock tick anyway, and why does it matter? In an OS like Windows, events are often set to run at intervals. To save power, the processor sleeps when nothing needs attention, and wakes at predefined intervals. This interval is what Chrome adjusts in Windows, so reducing it to 1.000ms means that the system is waking far more often than at 15.625ms. In fact, at 1.000ms the processor is waking 1000 times per second. The default, of 15.625ms means the processor wakes just 64 times per second to check on events that need attention.

Microsoft itself says that tick rates of 1.000ms might increase power consumption by “as much as 25 per cent”. It’s also a problem because, by its very nature, the system tick rate is global, meaning that one application is able to spoil everything, and because regular users don’t care about tick rates, most of us would never know this was a problem.

Πηγές : Windows Phone Central, Forbes
